We had a follow up appointment on Tuesday afternoon with my OB to make sure all is well with both baby girl and I after our hospital visit last Friday.
We saw the same OB that had expressed concern over my small belly and wanted to make sure that our princess was measuring on track, so she sent us for an ultrasound. We were told that our anatomy scan would be our last unless they had any concerns, so while we were a little alarmed, we were excited to see how much she's grown and developed over the last 14 weeks.
They also wanted to check on the growth of my fibroid tumor to make sure it hadn't grown since the anatomy scan. It had grown by 2 cm between our 6 week dating ultrasound and the 19 week anatomy scan, so in my head I thought it had become the size of a softball! ;)
Squished face and chubby cheeks.
We are excited that our little one is measuring right on track, and they estimate her current weight is around 4 pounds, 9 ounces. There is a margin of error, but our technician was really great so I'm thinking she didn't skew the numbers too much. She's weighing in at the 35th percentile, and looks so so sweet and squished in my belly.
Hubs had her double, and triple check to make sure that it's still a girl (ha!) and there she was, all kinds of conservative (unlike at our anatomy scan....)
About 15 minutes later, she showed all three of us her goods, letting her Daddy know that she's all girl and he shouldn't have doubted it.
She's head down and is laying on the right side of my belly button. I can feel her bum all the time. We're so excited that she's healthy and even though she's already squished up in my pelvic bone, we're hoping she stays in there just a little bit longer. Our Dr. said that after 34 weeks (which comes on Sunday!) they won't do anything to stop labor. I think she's going to be early, but probably only by a week or so.
This weekend we're hoping to cross more items off our to do list. Here's an update on what's left...
Paint glider and buy cushions
Purchase swing
Purchase breast pump
Hang mirror, pictures and art
Hang shelves
Have local police install car seats
Pack hospital bag (started this...)
Make labor & delivery baskets
Prenatal Massage
Surprisingly our list is relatively small and besides the basement and painting the glider, they're mostly small tasks. I'm SO excited for our baby girl's arrival and after seeing her squishy little face yesterday, it seems like the next 6 weeks are going to take FOR-EV-ER to get here!
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