Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mini Meal's: 11 Months

Charlotte went through the puree phase quite fast. She never really liked them for more than 2 months, and once she figured out how to grab the spoon, well, she wanted to grab the food as well! We had to quickly come up with finger foods for her to enjoy, which can be fun, but also limited at this point in time.

She's not a fan of protein (we've tried chicken, pork and beef), and loves veggies and grapes. I can't get her to eat bananas, pears, or apple sticks, so I'm needing suggestions!
Her veggie preferences are peas, cooked carrots, butternut squash and green beans. I've tried broccoli and she wasn't enthused either

She enjoys sucking the marinara off cooked pasta, but rately eats the pasta itself.
Our two other go-to items are yogurt and cheese. I buy these in the snack sizes from Costco and cut them into sticks. She loves them and will sometimes eat 2 at a time.

I'm waiting for her to turn 1 before I give her strawberries and peanut butter. I'm hoping those will also become go to items, but we shall see.
So, what are you little one's go to meals? I love suggestions!  

Friday, April 11, 2014

11 Months!

I feel like over the last month Charlotte has grown so much that I've statred to refer to her as a toddler. Ah the "T" word! I want my baby to stay a baby!

I've loved watching her grow and develop. This past month we've maintained her diet and routine, which has been nice. She's doing so many more new things, so I'll focus on that this month instead!
- "dat?" Is her newest trick. She loves to point at things to inquire about what they are. I love this and enjoy teaching her all about the new things shes observing!

- Babbling This girl went from random babbles throughout the day to full blow talking non-stop. The "mamamama" and "gagaga" are my favorite. I'd say it's the female in her ;)
- She's been taking a few steps unaided here and there, but is mostly content on crawling, which she is quite efficient doing! We try to get her to walk but she's very stubborn and will only do it if SHE wants to.

- Loves to stand and squat, which is hilarious to watch her do. Her legs have to be a tiny 10 inches long. Love her and her pint size!
- Playing with things that are not toys is probably her #1 favorite thing to do. Fine by me, less clutter in the living room! Whoop!

- Eating off our plates. Ya, I hate this and hope to not make it a habit. She eats table food but typically eats dinner much earlier than we do. She's been pushing back her bedtime a bit, so we've been eating dinner while she's still awake which means she wants to eat everything we have. This includes putting her whole hand in my ketchup. Nice!
We've been loving this stage and I'm probably going to melt down when she turns 1. She's been the light of our life and we can't remember life before her!