Tuesday, April 30, 2013

39 Weeks!

Seriously? 5 days until May 5?! Where have the last 9 months gone?? Okay so obviously we're coming down to the last few days, and other than some sleeping issues, I'm feeling pretty good. 

I went to the doctor's yesterday, and made NO progress from last week. Very, very disappointing. I promised myself that I wouldn't get upset with the results of the internal checks, but alas, I sulked yesterday like it was my J-O-B. Everyone that I talked to said they mean nothing, and I'm aware, but you still hope your body continues to prep for labor like it should, not stop (or take a break) at week 38.

I was cranky all night, and Hubs said we should go for a walk. It was already 8:00, but I knew it'd make me feel better to get some air and I thought that maybe I'd walk myself into labor. Well, no labor here, but it did make me feel a little better. 

I went to sleep, and got up every few hours to either pee or flip onto my side. I swear I keep waking up on my back (which is really uncomfortable) and flipping back over. I guess the "waking every few hours" has already started. 

At 5:05 this morning, I got up to pee, and reluctantly decided to stay in bed, wide awake, thinking about how our Baby Girl. She hasn't been moving as much as normal, probably because she's running out of room, but I came to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, my mood is impacting her. So, I've made a promise to myself, and to her, that I'll enjoy the last few days (or weeks...) of this pregnancy, and will trust that everything will go according to plan. 

Now for this weeks bumpdate: 

Um, high basketball. Where did you come from?!

How far along?: 39 weeks
Weight gained?: 27 pounds as of my 39 week appointment 
Showing yet?: Yes!
Stretch Marks?: Not on my belly, just a couple on my hips
Clothes?: Maternity
Cravings?: None, but loving cereal still! 
Aversions?: None!
Sleep?: What's sleep? Blah...
Gender?:  Girl
Movement?: She's been quiet the last few days, more or less squirming around! 
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose is back in action, little back pain, minor cramping
Miss Anything?: Hubs and I enjoyed dinner out at a local Italian restaurant, and the Chianti he got smelled fabulous! Took me back to Italy...
Wedding Rings on or off?: On, getting snug with the heat
Belly Button in or out?: In
Labor Signs?: BH, pelvic pressure, but nothing more than that! As of my 39 week appointment, I was 50-60% effaced and baby was at a -2 station.
Looking Forward To: Summer clothes and meeting/naming our Baby Girl! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

10 Days: Pregnancy Ramblings

So the I's have been dotted and the T's have been crossed. My to-do list is super short, and only includes the 3 first and middle names we've chosen for our Baby Girl.

In less than a few weeks (I hope!), we'll finally have a babe with a name. I'm so excited to meet our little princess, and I can't imagine what it'll feel like to finally do so. I've felt so blessed throughout my pregnancy. Other than some fatigue, which was cured by an iron supplement, I've felt amazing. I know some women dread the last few weeks of their pregnancies because of how uncomfortable they feel, but as of today, I don't have that feeling. I don't want to wish away these last few precious days because I know being blessed with one healthy baby is a miracle in itself. I don't know if I'll be able to have more children (although we would love 1 or 2 more) and I want to embrace this feeling knowing it may not happen again. 

Hubs and I have grown so close throughout the last 9 months. I don't know if it's a combination of a relatively easy pregnancy and the sense of calmness that I've felt, but he and I have bonded over this experience and have enjoyed every minute of it together. He's a saint, that man, and I am blessed to have him! I can't wait to see him with our little girl. He will be such a proud Dad and will love her more than I know he's capable. 

Itty bitty clothes...

Saturday morning, I got up before Hubs, and went into the nursery to organize her hospital (diaper) bag. I sat on the white sheepskin rug, and laid out her things, making sure we had everything we thought we'd need for her arrival. Her sweet little sleepers, coming home dress, and headbands made me swoon. I can't get over how tiny everything is! 

That night, we went out shopping to buy new tennis shoes and use up a Gymboree gift card that we had received from the ladies who do my nails. We ended up purchased this GEM:

Yup. Baby Brine's first bikini!

Again, can't believe how tiny this is! We ended up buying a 3-6 month since we'll be heading to the beach in July when she'll be around 2.5 months. I'm hoping for a Buddha belly, but that's just me ;) Hubs died at the cuteness, if that means anything!

I asked Hubs this morning if he was getting nervous about her impending arrival. He said no, he was ready. I asked him if he thinks he'll panic once I'm in labor, and he again said no, but said he may have a hard time seeing me in pain. Love that man. 

All in all, we're super ready, and super excited, to announce the arrival of our baby girl. We're enjoying the last few days of our family of two, and are soaking up the quiet time in the interim. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

38 Weeks!

Holy cow!! As close as we're getting, I'm so calm its almost concerning haha! We hit 38 weeks yesterday, only 2 more to go, unless Baby Brine decides to come early! We are certainly ready for her arrival, so whenever she decides to come we will be as prepared as possible.

We had a low key weekend, which was much needed, and I think the rest of the next few weeks are pretty bare as far as plans go. 

My Baby Girl to do list has been completed, minus the baby names (first and middle) that we are contemplating! 

I know I'm going to miss this baby bump but I can't imagine anything will trump the sight of our baby girl. We have been blessed with a very easy pregnancy (thus far), and I'm hoping the delivery is the same. I'm prepared for whatever might come, and am going to be flexible with options so as to not be disappointed if things don't go according to our my plan.

Here's this weeks bumpdate: 

How far along?: 38 weeks
Weight gained?: 26 pounds as of my 38 week appointment 

Showing yet?: Yes!
Stretch Marks?: I think I've found a few, but they aren't too bad...
Clothes?: Maternity
Cravings?: None!
Aversions?: None!
Sleep?: Really good, surprisingly! 
Gender?:  Girl
Movement?: All morning and evening, she's squirming around in there! I just hope she's not getting TOO comfortable! We want to meet her! ;)
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose, back pain, cramping, lost some feeling in my right leg on Saturday night I think she was hitting my nerve.
Miss Anything?: A few things, but I think I'll miss being pregnant! 
Wedding Rings on or off?: On
Belly Button in or out?: In
Labor Signs?: BH, pelvic pressure, but nothing more than that! As of my 38 week appointment, I was 50-60% effaced and baby was at a -2 station.
Looking Forward To: Bringing home baby! Ah! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Baby Brine Style: Diaper Bag!

After weeks  months of harassing Hubs about buying Baby Brine's diaper bag, he surprised me last night with this beautifully wrapped Kate Spade box: 

This beauty was inside:

It has so many pockets to help keep this organized, and Hubs loves the red changing pad that came with it. The fabric is nylon, so it'll be easy to wipe down, and when Mama only has the ability to carry one bag, it's easily disguised as a purse! It's the perfect size, not too big, not too small, so it'll help limit the overpacking that I'm accustomed to :)

THANK YOU HUBS! You are the greatest and you spoil both of us rotten! We love you! :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Baby Brine Style: Summertime Edition!

I LOVE all of the adorable summer outfits that are out in the stores right now. In Pittsburgh, we always have a very short spring, and come Memorial Day, we're pushing 90 degree weather. Baby Brine already has a large summer wardrobe, but we've also purchased lots pants and sleepers since she'll be in the AC a lot. 

I'm loving the new arrivals at Old Navy, Gap & Gymboree. They just keep coming out with more and more adorable things! The only thing I can't seem to find is a bikini for Baby Brine's first trip to the beach! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

37 Weeks!

Well, we've reached what the Dr.'s say is full term! Today, the countdown hit 20 days until May 5, and I can't explain how excited Hubs and I are!

We've both been super calm so far, and I think we're both just soaking up the last few weeks of just us. I'd like to say I've been getting extra sleep for the weeks to come, but that'd be a big, fat, joke. Sleep has been rough for me lately, and my allergies from the now blooming flowers and trees aren't help the cause either. 

We had a good weekend, keeping it low key on Friday's as usual, and Saturday we celebrated by brother-in-law's birthday. I wasn't feel so well, so I left pretty early, and Hubs enjoyed what I'd consider one of his last few nights out before the baby arrives. At this point, I need him on point for when she decides it's go time!

Sunday, we went to church (and both almost fell asleep...) and then to Pirate game. I thought I'd be super uncomfortable in the plastic seats, but I did fine! I enjoyed some ice cream and french fries, knowing my post-partum diet will soon be under way :) 

And here is this weeks bumpdate: 

How far along?: 37 weeks
Weight gained?: 24 pounds as of my 36 week appointment
Showing yet?: Yep! Finding it hilarious that only 4 weeks ago the Dr. thought she was small. I think she's growing rapidly!
Stretch Marks?: No
Clothes?: Maternity
Cravings?: None. Eating lots of cereal though since I've been too lazy to cook at times. 
Aversions?: No cake for me Saturday night...I had flashbacks to my first trimester when anything sweet made me queasy!
Sleep?: Meh, not so good this weekend
Gender?:  Girl
Movement?: Lots and lots, and we think she dropped because I don't feel her butt/feet in my ribs lately
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose, back pain, cramping...
Miss Anything?: Sweating from a good workout, sushi, and a hot dog at the Pirate game sounded delicious!
Wedding Rings on or off?: On
Belly Button in or out?: In
Labor Signs?: I've been having some random contractions, nothing that I can time, but more painful than BH. 
Looking Forward To: Meeting our princess! I can't believe it's so close!

Our to-do list is getting quite short, and I'm liking it :) 

Purchase breast pump (Going to talk with my Dr. about this tomorrow)
Pack hospital bag (will finish tonight! 

My goal was to have the car seat (not just the base) and my hospital bag in the car as of 37 weeks. We had a busy day yesterday, so we're going to do that tonight. I have to finish up packing my hospital bag, and get Hubs to pack his. Baby girl's things are all ready to be packed, but Hubs is in the process of buying her diaper bag, so that'll have to wait! 

I also realized that I have overpacked for our short stay. They suggest packing pillows and blankets, but that just seems like a lot to bring! Instead, I'm going to have them readily available for my parents to pick up at our house in case we really want them. 

I got some more information on breast pumps and need to discuss the Preventive Care Act with my Dr. at our appointment tomorrow. If she'll write me a script that I need one for when I return to work, I may be able to have it before little one arrives. More on that when I talk to her! 

All in all we're just playing the waiting game. We know she could come any time, day or night, at work or at home, so we're trying to be as ready as possible! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Labor & Delivery Thank You Tutorial!

As mentioned in this post, I wanted make baskets of snacks and treats for our labor & delivery nurses. After touring our hospital, I realized that I'd be moving from L&D to the post-partum recovery floor a few hours after giving birth. I decided to make two baskets, one for each nurses station, so that ALL of the nurses that take care of us know how much we appreciate their hard work! 

Here are the different goodies that I ended up buying:

Chocolate chip granola bars, Special K breakfast bars, fruit snacks, gum, Hawaiian Punch drink packets, snack size M&M's & an assorted box of cheese/peanut butter crackers. I got everything at Target, including the baskets (found in the Dollar Days section)

Here is everything assembled:

I found these silver sticker letters in the Dollar Days section at Target, and made the sign using those. I'm terrible at creating things on the computer, so this was an easier option. 

Obviously this is super simple to do, but hopefully it'll let our nurses know how much we appreciate them. If you will be at a smaller hospital, the individual bags are also a great idea, but since our hospital is pretty large, this was easiest to ensure all of them get some treats. 

I'll probably have Hubs run down the street and grab other goodies throughout our stay, but this will at least keep them satisfied in the interim! 


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

36 Weeks!

Lately I've had a lot of family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and even strangers ask if I'm ready when they hear how close my due date is. I feel extremely calm at this point, and even with the unknown (as in when and how she'll arrive), I'm ready to take it all on. I think my calmness has alarmed those who know me best, because I'm so Type A, but I have an unfounding amount of faith in this whole process. I know that we will both be in good hands come D-Day, and wanting to control it all will only make me feel guilty or disappointed if it doesn't end up like I'd planned. Hubs is calm too, but he always is (Hey, we marry opposites for a reason!), so we spend most of our nights talking about her, and how life will change when she arrives. We also hope she'll give us a kick when we mention one of her possible names, giving us an idea of which will fit her best. 

We're finishing up the middle name list, finally deciding on what middle names will go with the first names we've picked for her. I'm big into carrying on family names, however a lot of them don't fit so we've been toying with the idea of "random" names. Only a few more weeks before we pick the real thing! 

36 weeks seems like a milestone for all sorts of reasons. Weekly appointments start (my 36 week appointment is today), and we're one week shy of full term. It also means there's less than one month to go, which is absolutely crazy considering we found out we were pregnant back in August. We've finally welcomed warmer weather, which means spring has sprung and ultimately, May is just around the corner. 

And now, this weeks bumpdate (only a few more to go!):

How far along?: 36 weeks
Weight gained?: 24ish pounds? I found out this afternoon...
Showing yet?: Yes, no going back! Feeling like this little one is growing more than 1/2 pound a week!
Stretch Marks?: None yet, fingers crossed. 
Clothes?: Maternity, but ready for my summer wardrobe
Cravings?: None.
Aversions?: None.
Sleep?:  Okay, depends on the night. I am up often tossing and turning trying to get comfortable.
Gender?:  Girl
Movement?: Lots and lots, which is odd considering the books all say they settle down at this point!
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose, back pain, cramping, groin pain, some swelling in my feet.
Miss Anything?: A good workout and a tan! Oh and the summer wardrobe, for sure! 
Wedding Rings on or off?: On
Belly Button in or out?: In
Labor Signs?: Yep- Braxton Hicks are back, along with some of the cramping and back aches.
Looking Forward To: Spring! And meeting our baby girl! I can't wait to see what she looks like! 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Baby Brine To-Do List Update!

I've always enjoyed crossing things off my to do list, but now that my brain has been taken over by constant thinking, planning and organizing, I've needed lists more than ever.

We had a very productive weekend, and I'm feeling like we are getting super close to baby girl's arrival. While 4 weeks seems like forever, I know the time will fly by...and who knows, maybe we won't have to wait 4 more weeks to meet her! ;)

Friday night I experienced my first feet swelling episode, but after a 9.5 hour day at work, dinner out and then to a bar to watch the Pen's game, I think I overdid it. Hubs was great in getting my feet propped up as soon as we got home. Saturday, I indulged in a manicure and pedicure, which ended in light pink toenails with glitter in top. I hoping the polish stays for delivery, so I can keep as much glam as possible when pushing out a baby.

I've been struggling with sleep lately, which is sadly very common, and am finding myself waking up every few hours trying to get situated and comfortable. The weather has finally warmed up around here, so I'm hoping Hubs and I can take advantage of the warm weather and take some walks in the evenings to help tire me out (like I really need it....).

I can't believe it's already Monday, but I'm fortunately enjoying the day off and am getting a prenatal massage this afternoon!

Here's an update on my list after our weekend. Only a few things that I cannot control to go!

Purchase breast pump (probably won't do this until after I deliver)
Pack hospital bag (In progress...)
Make labor & delivery baskets
Purchase nursing bras and tops
Pick up bassinet
Set up monitor

Tested out the car seat this weekend. Ya, we're ready....

Friday, April 5, 2013

1 Month!

The first year we were married, I would wish the Hubs a "Happy Month-iversary" the third of every month. 

Since we found out our due date was May 5, I've counted down on the fifth of every month. I guess you could say I have a thing with dates, and love celebrating each small milestone. 

Well, here we are, our last "month-to-go"! I guess from here we will be counting down days and/or weeks until she decides to make her arrival. 

I'm well aware that the odds she arrives ON or BEFORE her due date are slim to none, considering I'm a first-time mom, but I have a small glimmer of hope that she's like her mama and will be too impatient to wait until May 5. That, and if she only knew that April's birthstone was a diamond, she may have more of an incentive to come on out ;)

From top left to bottom right: 11 weeks,19 weeks, 24 weeks, 28 weeks, 33 weeks, 34 weeks

I've been slacking on my to-do list as I've been hit with the third trimester exhaustion. I can barely stay awake at work and when I get in my car, all I can think about is taking a nap. So I go home and do just that! 

I'm off on Monday (and will be enjoying my prenatal massage!!) and am thinking that with the help of Hubs, I can get more of these items crossed off our list this weekend. We're not thinking our basement will be finished by the time she arrives, but it's on the list because I have a small ounce of hope! Here is the revised list! 

Purchase breast pump (probably won't do this until after I deliver)
Pack hospital bag (In progress...)
Make labor & delivery baskets
Purchase nursing bras and tops
Pick up bassinet
Set up monitor
Purchase NB size hats for the hospital

I'm hoping to pick up the nursing bras and tops this weekend so I can have them washed and in the hospital bag. Hubs will likely pack his bags last minute, so my goal is to have mine and baby girl's bags packed and in the car come next Sunday (37 weeks). I also think I can make the L&D baskets this weekend, and will have my parents  bring them to the hospital so that Hubs and I don't have to bring 1,000,000 things with us. 

Oh and here are some breastfeeding resources that I've come across/have been told about over the last few months, for anyone who is reading who may need them! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

35 Weeks!

It's true. I do in fact, every week, say "I can't believe we only X number of weeks left!" Hubs confirmed this for me on Sunday but somehow the reality of "Holy crap we only have the month of April and then it's really crunch time" always seems to get the best of me. 

Today marks 33 days until my due date. I have a feeling that April will fly by as has every other month since August. I honestly can't wait to hold our baby girl in my arms and to watch Hubs and I grow together as parents. Oh, and to finally pick and announce her name will also be so much fun. We've had a list since December but want to see her first before deciding. I think it's killing our friends and family to wait! 

Here is this weeks bumpdate:

How far along?: 35 weeks
Weight gained?: 22 lbs as of my 35 week appointment
Showing yet?: Yes- and since it's gotten warmer out, I've had more people ask me when I'm due! 
Stretch Marks?: None yet, fingers crossed. 
Clothes?: Maternity
Cravings?: Does sleep count?
Aversions?: None.
Sleep?:  Great, unless I get up to pee 2+ times, then I'm exhausted
Gender?:  Girl
Movement?: Girlfriend is all about scooching her booty up into my ribcage. I can't wait to see what she's been up to in there! 
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose, back pain, cramping, extremely tired
Miss Anything?: A good workout, vino, my waist
Wedding Rings on or off?: On
Belly Button in or out?: In- but if I pull on my belly button it pops out!
Labor Signs?: Yep- Braxton Hicks are back, along with some of the cramping and backaches.
Looking Forward To: Spring! And meeting our baby girl (who will have a name- finally!) 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Nursery Reveal!

I am super excited to announce that we finally finished the nursery this weekend! We had a few items on our to do list that needed crossed off before we could call it complete. 

And here we go! 

Glider was given to us, and we painted it to match the dresser. Cushions can be found here

DIY Hangers , Lamp, Elephant is from Marshalls, gold vases from Ikea, spray painted gold.

Super pink and extremely feminine, but I think it's also mature enough that our baby girl won't feel like a baby in this room once she's a little older. 

Oh and we failed to get a 35 week bump picture yesterday so that post will have to wait until tomorrow! Here's an updated to-do list, while we're at it! 

Paint glider
Purchase swing
Purchase breast pump
Hang shelves
Have local police install car seats 
Pack hospital bag (In progress...)
Make labor & delivery baskets
Purchase nursing bras and tops
Pick up bassinet & purchase sheet
Prenatal Massage  Appointment made! 
Purchase wood for under mattress (for monitor) (Got this from my dad!)
Purchase NB size hats for the hospital