Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Dreaded Tummy Time

Charlotte is such a good baby, and I rarely worry about her growth and development. She's a great eater, she sleeps well (at night), and she's very active and alert for her age.

The one thing I worry about is her developing a flat spot on the back of her head. She loves to play on her activity mat, in her crib, on the floor, and in her pack-n-play, but the girl absolutely hates tummy time! 

So I dedicate this post to all the other mama's whose babies hate spending time on their bellies, in the hopes that this helps them!

Sometimes, she just lays her head down and refuses to do anything at all.

At her one week appointment with the pediatrician, the doctor told us to start tummy time right away as most newborns don' t mind spending time on their tummies at first, but once they have time away from it, they start to hate it.  I think it's safe to say we missed the boat on her loving tummy time, but I've found some ways to improve her hate for it over the last 7 weeks. 

When we first started tummy time, Charlotte would flail her arms and kick her legs straight up in the air, like she was practicing yoga or acrobatics. Less than a minute after the start time, she would cry. Here is the evidence:

Next, I thought I'd try using her Boppy pillow to help her, but this hysterical attempt was also a failure because girlfriend would slide off within seconds. Unfortunately, I have no photo evidence of this, and I feel as if I tried to reenact it, I'd be a terrible mom! 

At her one month visit, I was mentioning how much she hates tummy time, and her pediatrician told us to try lying on the floor and putting her on our chest. This works with some babies because they can focus on mom or dad's face or voice instead of the fact that they're on their tummies. 

Charlotte doesn't mind this version of tummy time, but because of my chest (thanks, breastfeeding), I wonder if she's getting some assistance with pulling her head up. Here is a picture of Charlotte in motion:

So this little tummy time journey brings me to yesterday, when I put this adorable, yet annoying to button up dress on our peanut, and needed to button it. I placed Charlotte on her tummy on her changing table, and placed my phone at the end of the pad with a picture of JWoww's dog from Instagram on it. Charlotte held her head high and focused on that glowing still shot for minutes! She didn't even notice she was on the tummy, let along that I was standing right there. How cute is she?

And no, I didn't have her strapped in because like I said, this was a fluke. 

In my opinion, giving babies something to look at, whether it be a book, picture, toy, or blanket, can help them enjoy tummy time a little bit more. 

As a side note, Charlotte also enjoys being placed chest to chest and she tries to pull her head up while being held that way. I think that also helps prevent a flat spot, but I don't count that as part of her daily tummy time routine. 

I'm happy to say that although she hasn't loved tummy time, she hasn't showed any signs of a flat spot on her head, just a little hair loss but she LOVES to be held and swaddled, so I guess that's okay with me :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Pool Day!

Friday afternoon, Charlotte and I joined my aunt, sister and mother-in-law at the country club pool that my aunt belongs to. 


I was super nervous about keeping this heat-sensitive babe outside in 85 degree weather for a couple hours but I was pleasantly surprised! 

My aunt got there before us and snatched the shaded cabana (fans included) so the peanut could hang out in all her glory. 

We set Charlotte up on a blanket in the grass that was shaded and placed her stroller fan and a few toys next to her. She stayed pretty content for a while, but then got tired. 

After lunch, I nursed her (cover in tow!) and she passed right out. I put her in her stroller and placed her fan right on her to keep her cool. 

Diapers are from The Honest Company

Altogether I'd say it was a success. I made sure to keep her cool, hence why the bathing suit came off. The cabana fans and her stroller fan helped to keep her really cool. I only know this because Charlotte would've screamed to let me know if she was hot! 

Seriously!? I know I'm partial but this picture kills me! Bow

P.S. Anyone who is expecting a baby girl or who already has one with thin hair, these bows are perfect for minimal hair! They're velcro, so they will hang on to whatever hair your baby has! I purchased the 1 inch since Charlotte is so little. I got a whole rainbow of colors to match just about everything in her closet! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

6 Week Update & Newborn Must Haves

 Time is flying by, as I knew it would, but part of me wants it to stand still. I'm loving watching our little girl grow, exploring knew things and seeing her personality come to life, but the whole "going back to work" thing is really making me sad. I have been trying to focus on the now, and not the future, but it's so hard when life at home with her seems so right.

Big girl!

Our plan for right now is for me to return at the end of July, but Hubs and I both agree that if it doesn't work out, we'll discuss me staying home.

Anyway, today I head to my OB for my 6 week check up. I'm afraid he's going to tell me I've been overdoing it, since I'm not the best at relaxing, but I'll be so excited if I'm released to start working out again!

I rejoined Weight Watchers a few weeks back and have about 8 pounds left to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I would like to lose more than that, since I had gained some weight the 9 months prior to getting pregnant, after our wedding.

Tummy time! I'm surprised she's not ticked in this picture! 

It's been hard to follow the Points Plus program at times, especially with breastfeeding, but I've been using my daily and weekly points as a guide to eat healthily, but obviously eat if I'm hungry and don't have any points left.

Enough about me, now! I wanted to throw together a list of some of the "Must Haves" that I have really found to be helpful while trying to get the hang of motherhood. Some are items we got off our baby registry, and some are just things that seem to make life a little easier!

4moms Mamaroo- When Charlotte pushes herself and gets overtired, this is the only thing (besides Hubs and I) that can soothe her to sleep. We spent a couple nights on the living room couch while she slept in this! The motions and sounds are perfect for her, and she loves taking naps in it. I also love how big it is, so she'll be able to use it for awhile, attention span permitting :)

B Agile Travel System- I love our travel stroller system. Charlotte tends to fall asleep in the car, so being able to click her car seat into the stroller is awesome. Who wants to wake a sleeping baby anyway?! The car seat itself is a little heavy, especially for post partum moms, but I think most are for safety reasons. The stroller is so nice to push around, especially in our neighborhood where it's hilly and sidewalks aren't exactly smooth (or existent...). It also shades her perfectly so I don't have to worry about freckles or sun spots. 

Here she is on a walk a few weeks back:

Medela Pump In Style Advanced- This has been a life savor and as allowed me to not only start building a supply of breast milk in the freezer but also to pump bottles for Hubs to feed Charlotte at bedtime. I really wanted her to associate the both of us with feeding time, and she loves when Daddy gives her a bottle! Oh, and the fact that our insurance paid for the pump in it's entirety also makes me love it more! 

Medela Quick Steam Bags- So much easier to use these steam bags to sanitize bottles and breast pump parts than to boil a pot of water! Each bag gets 20 uses, and there are 5 in a box. 

4moms Cleanwater Tub- I love the thermometer feature on this tub. I can tell you already that had I not purchased this, I would be using way too hot of water for bath time. It's really hard to determine what's too hot for their sensitive skin. I ended up purchasing a foam bath insert since Charlotte is so tiny and slips on the blue lining. 

Summer Infant Swaddle Me- Charlotte hates to be warm, so these wraps are the perfect light weight fabric, and they are easy to use in the middle of the night after feedings and diaper changes. We actually need to pick up a few more since they've been in frequent use now that the weather has heated up and the AC has kicked on!

So dramatic!

Pottery Barn Kids Organic Swaddle Blankets- These blankets are the perfect blanket to tuck Charlotte in with, without making her hot and fussy. They no longer sell the pattern of the blankets we have, but the light, thin organic fabric is perfect for swaddling and nap time (whenever that is!).

Our blankets are chevron (shown above) and a white and pink floral pattern. 

The only other thing that I would suggest for new moms is to cook and freeze meals for when baby comes! I've been blessed with a wonderful family who have brought us meals the last 6 weeks, but I also cooked and stocked up on food so that Hubs and I could eat relatively healthy after Charlotte arrived. It's been so nice to remove dishes from the freezer and reheat them for our dinners. It's nice to still have that one consistent meal together at the dining living room table. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to two of the most important men in my life! 

To that guy up there, thank you for being such an amazing, inspiring, loving, kind, and sarcastic father. You've given me so much of your spirit, the good and the "bad", and I couldn't be more proud to be your daughter. You showed me what to look for in a man, and I was lucky enough to find him. As I watch you with our little girl, I relive the memories of my childhood and I smile. Thank you for always supporting me and pushing me to be the best I can be!

And to this man, down there...

At just a day and a half old, she looked at you and knew you'd protect her, love her, hold her and guide her. You've been an amazing father and I can't wait to see this where this journey takes us. 

Charlotte is blessed to have you as her Daddy and I can't imagine going through this with anyone else. I love you and Charlotte loves you too! 

Charlotte with her Great-Grandpap, another leading man in her life! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

1 Month Old!

Charlotte turns one month old today! It's been incredible, tired journey, but she's been such a blessing, and is such a good baby, I know we have it easy. 

Here are some updated pictures of her! 

About Charlotte at 1 Month: 

- Breastfeeding like a champion, she's VERY efficient and doesn't take long to feed
- After 4 weeks in a bassinet in our room, she's slept the last two nights in her big girl crib
- Starting to fit into her 0-3 month clothes (this makes me sad!)
- Wearing size 1 diapers (Pampers all the way!)
- Hates tummy time, so she flails her legs in the air (like she just don't care)
- Loves being placed upright on your chest, and has great head/neck control for her age
- Is a little Chatty Cathy, who loves to babble and coo when you talk to her
- Found her thumb on Monday night and has been trying to get it back ever since
- Uses a pacifier sporadically, but isn't completely dependent on it, also struggles to keep it in
- Loves the Baby Bjorn, and catches some occasional Zzz's in it
- Sleeping 4-5 at night, then up every 2-3 to feed
- Hates sleeping during the day, loves to cat nap (which makes it hard on mom to get anything done) and will fuss when she wants put down (weird, but awesome!!)
- Is such a nebby baby, never wants to miss out on anything and also keeps an eye open (literally) to make sure she's in the know 

Tummy time= Yoga time

This child is hilarious!! 

Charlotte Lee: A Birth Story

Charlotte turns one month tonight, and I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I've wanted to capture her birth story before it gets lost in this mushy, sleep deprived brain of mine, and I figured today would be a great day to do so! 

I woke up on my due date with some contractions around 3 or 4 in the morning, but they weren't timeable and weren't getting stronger. I spent the day with my mom, running errands at Babies R Us and going for a nice long walk. I got really irritable, thinking that our peanut should be arriving on said due date! Hubs had to deal with some attitude that day, but it was safe to say that getting frustrated wasn't going to make her arrive any sooner.

Monday morning, I woke up again with some mild contractions, but they were around 15 minutes apart. I was able to sleep through them, so I didn't think much of it. Hubs got up and went to work, and around 8:00 am, I woke up due to the contractions again. My mom had asked me to paint some tumbler cups for her teachers at work, so I decided I'd work on them to make the morning go by fast before my doctor's appointment at 1:00.

Last bump pic! 40 weeks

Around 11, I texted Hubs that the contractions were getting stronger, and that I was going to start timing them. The contractions stayed around 10 minutes apart, so I told him to stay at work and wait to see what the Doctor said. 

My mom picked me up for my appointment, and off we went. The nurse weighed me (total weight gain was 26 pounds), took my BP, and asked me to change for the internal exam. 

As she left the room, I got up to change, and I felt a gush of water! I looked at my mom, who was pulling the curtain shut, and said "I think my water broke!" She was as calm as a cucumber, and she opened the door to let the nurse know. 

I ran across the hall to the bathroom, and noticed some meconium in my amniotic fluid, so I went into a panic. 

Our nameless princess :)

My doctor came in and did the internal exam, and I was measuring 2.5 cm. He said to call Hubs and head to the hospital! I never thought he'd have me go right away, but I gave Hubs the call, and he was on his way! It was baby time!! :)

After stopping at McDonald's for an ice cream cone and PNC Bank (I know, I know, judge me...) we got home and finished packing our bags. I took a deep breath as we left, knowing that the next time we would be coming home we'd finally have our princess with us. 

We got to the hospital around 3:00, and to our surprise, we were considered a direct admit, so we had to wait in the waiting room for a room in the L&D ward to open up. I was happy I didn't have to go through triage before getting a room, but as we waited almost 1.5 hours, my contractions started coming 3-4 minutes apart. 

Side story: As I was sitting there, leaning on Hubs, breathing through contractions, this elderly woman asked me: " Are you in labor?"

Me: "Yes..."
Her: "Oh my! You barely look 6 months pregnant!" 
Me: " Oh well...I am..."

It's funny looking back, but asking someone if they're in labor when they clearly are isn't exactly helpful!

My parents came down and we were finally admitted to the room around 4:30. We got situated, and the contractions were coming faster and stronger, and I was practically sweating through them. 

The Doctor came in around  5:00 and I was measuring at 3.5 cm. I looked at Hubs and told him there was no way I could make it 6.5 more without an epidural. I knew it'd be a long night of pain and if I'd only progressed 1 cm in almost 4 hours, I couldn't handle it. After a long discussion, I decided to get the epidural. 

The pain continued to get worse and the anesthesiologist finally arrived around 6:15. I never realized how long it would take to get everything moving, so I was glad that I asked for it when I did! I was trying so hard to breath through the contractions and to stay still, but the pain was excruciating. I could also tell that (TMI!) I was having the bloody show, which was good because it meant I was progressing, but also told me the pain was going to get worse. 

The epidural was in and the first dose of that pain reducing juice started to kick in around 7-7:15. My family arrived back in the room and I started to feel less pain. I asked my RN if I should be feeling contractions, and she said some people do, some don't. 

After her first bath!

I chalked it up to the epidural, and decided the pain was much less than before so what did it matter?

Around 8:15, the RN asked my family to leave so she could empty my bladder. She decided to do an internal check to make sure that the epidural didn't slow down my progression, and much to our surprise, she told Hubs and I that she could feel Baby Girl's head (and tons of hair!!) and couldn't find my cervix- it was time to PUSH! I wasn't feeling any pressure in my butt to push, but obviously I was feeling contractions with the epidural because it was go time!

The doctor came in to verify, and while Hubs ran to get my mom, said he thought Baby Girl would be here by 9:15-9:30. I told him I thought first time moms can push for hours, and he said "not you!"

Now, in good Italian family fashion, my family had just left to grab dinner down the street, thinking we'd have a long night ahead of us, so when Hubs ran to the waiting room to let them know that it was baby time, it was panic mode. My mom ran into the room, out of breath and said "Are you okay?!' I think the quick progression had us all thrown for a loop! 

The RN coached me on how to push, and after pushing through 2 contractions, she yelled at me to stop so they could get the OB and the Pediatricians (because of the meconium) in the room before she was delivered. 

Once everyone arrived in the room, I pushed through 1 more contraction and our princess was born. 

8:47 pm, May 6, 2013, our life changed forever!

I wasn't able to see or hold her right away because of the meconium, and it killed me to watch her in the mirror above me knowing I was so close to finally meeting her. The RN's yelled "does she have a name?" and Hubs and I looked at each other and said "Oh, We still haven't decided!" Haha! We knew our family would be ticked to wait longer but we needed to see her first.

Within 10-15 minutes, they finally brought her to me, and I was in complete shock. This little peanut was finally in my arms, and was more beautiful than I ever imagined. To this day, I can't get over the amount of hair that she has. I was convinced she'd be a bald baby, since I had no heartburn whatsoever, but she's got a full head of brunette hair. 

We invited all of our family in to see her, 4 at a time, and it was such a surreal, amazing experience to see our loved ones with her. My grandma, our parents (minus Grandma Brine, who will be meeting her soon!), siblings, was simply amazing. Once we were moved from L&D to recovery, visiting hours changed, so it was just Hubs and I from about 10:30 on. 

We could barely sleep, and just took turns staring at her and soaking her in. We waited such a long time for her and wanted to enjoy every moment. Our RN came in around 1:30-2 am to give Charlotte her first bath. We were amazed at her hair (again!) once it was clean and dry. 

All in all I will say I was blessed with a super low key pregnancy and delivery. In fact, I turned to Hubs just minutes after delivering and said "I'd have 10 more if they were all like this!" 

Looking back, had I know how quickly I was progressing, I would've just breathed through the pain and opted out of the epidural. I really only had about 1.5 hours of contractions after the epidural kicked in, which seems so doable!