Thursday, February 26, 2015

31 Weeks

Down to the single digits! 9 (ish) weeks to go. I feel so ill prepared for this little mans arrival. I feel like I have 100 things on my list of things to do, and time is just flying by as none of them get done. We finalized our Amazon registry this weekend, and we received a nice delivery of items on Saturday. We really need to make a decision on the crib, and once that's done, we can get the rest of the room finalized! 
We have narrowed down little mans name to 3 options. BIg sister Charlotte has her favorite, but we're going to wait until we see him to make a decision! 
Now on to this weeks bumpdate.
How far along?: 31 weeks
Weight gained?: 19 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Clothes?: Maternity. All. The.Way.
Cravings?: Fruit, salads, candy
Aversions?: Nada
Sleep?: Varies night by night. When I get a good one though, I'm a woman on a mission.
Boy or Girl?: Boy
Movement?: He's been busy in there! Lots of moving and shaking, and hiccups!
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose, tired
Looking forward to?: Washing baby clothes and picking a name :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

30 Weeks

I wish I could say we had a productive weekend, but sub-degree temperatures and windchills in the negative twenties stalled a lot of my plans to get some things done.
It was nice and relaxing at times, but I find that I am more tired when we do nothing, verses when we run all day.
I'm excited as some of the birchwood craft materials that I ordered arrived last week. I have to get some thin paint brushes and then I should be able to finish up one of the DIY's for baby boy's nursery.
I ordered his mobile from Restoration Hardware Baby & Child, and I'm excited to see it in his room!

How far along?: 30  weeks
Weight gained?: 20+ pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Clothes?: Maternity clothes + Hubs' hoodies
Cravings?: Fruit (especially strawberries), salads, decaf coffee
Aversions?: Nothing.
Sleep?: The furnace has been running 24/7, so our house feels SO dry. I'm struggling to breath at night, even with the humidifier.
Boy or Girl?: Boy
Movement?: Lots! He was super quiet last week so I did pull out my doppler, but he is very active during Charlotte's nap time and around 8 pm.
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose, tired
Looking forward to?: Narrowing down names and getting some things crossed off of my to-do list! I love lists, it's a really bad obsession- ha!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

29 Weeks

Last week in my 20's ;) This past week I had a huge revelation about this little man. I think sometimes my days are full of 100 other thoughts and actions that I rarely get time to reflect on his impending arrival. I can't believe we get to experience the newborn stage again, as crazy/exhausting as it is. Along with that comes to joys of falling so deeply in love with a tiny human being.
I know it's going to be a huge adjustment for us, especially Charlotte, but I imagine shortly after his arrival, we won't remember life without him.
On to this weeks update!

How far along?: 29  weeks
Weight gained?: 18 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Clothes?: Maternity, loving leggings, skinny jeans, and basic tees.
Cravings?: Peanut butter toast, fruit, salad and bacon. Starting to crave candy and popcorn. You know, mindless eating.
Aversions?: Nothing.
Sleep?: Every few nights we hit a rough one, but mostly okay!
Boy or Girl?: Little mister :)
Movement?: Yep, he's getting crazier and crazier.
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose, tired, random back pain that radiates through my butt.
Looking forward to?: Finished up painting his room, so now we enter the fun part of decorating! Can't wait!

Big sister is obsessed with his book collection (aka her baby books). We obviously LOVE Sandra Boynton ;)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Baby Boy Nursery

I was really gung-ho about getting Charlotte moved to her new room, and I burnt myself out by using all of that energy to do it! I've taken a break from painting and am now ready to tackle the rest of our list.

We've finished his two dressers, but were given a crib from my parents that we now have to refinish as well. I refinished a glider for Charlotte's room that is currently painted white. I may have Hubs help me refinish that in gray, but I'm still deciding.
Here are the dressers being refinished, and the final product. We used Annie Sloan's Paris Grey Chalk Paint and Soft Wax. I liked this product a lot, it was easy to work with and has a super fast drying time. My only issue is that it created more texture than I wanted. I think this is due mostly in part to my misunderstanding of how chalk paint is supposed to look.

Once we get his room painted and crib refinished, we can lay out the room and put the carpet down. Here is the rest of my to-do list, and some purchases that we need to make:
To Do List:
Paint crib
Order prints
Finish registries
Pick a mobile
Lamp DIY
Find a hamper
DIY Shelf
Call about pump
I bought some really cool birchwood planks and pots to use for some projects. The pots will go on his changing table and will hold diapers, diaper cream, nail clippers, etc.
I'm going to use the planks to make a piece of art for his wall. My plan is to put 3-4 of them together and paint the quote "All Good Things Are Wild & Free". I'd like to use the remaining planks to make a box around a floating shelf, but we'll see if they'll work!
I LOVE these prints. I'm going to order three to put either above his crib or changing table. I'm thinking about ordering the giraffe, elephant and tiger.

Lastly, I have to figure out how I'm going to DIY a birchwood lamp. Once the planks and pots arrive, I'll take them to get some wood that matches.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Third Trimester! 28 Weeks

Hello, third trimester! I feel like this is such a huge milestone. It makes the finish line seem a tad bit closer and makes me proud of the weeks behind me! I'm back to monthly appointments, as the OB I saw this week decided it was unneccesary for me to start biweekly already. It's much appreciated, as I don't like missing work unless I have to. Anyway, here is this weeks update!

How far along?: 28  weeks
Weight gained?: 18 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Clothes?: Maternity; living in leggings, basic long sleeve shirts and Hubs' hoodies.
Cravings?: Peanut butter toast, fruit, salad and bacon
Aversions?: Nothing, although cleaning the fridge after some meat leaked EVERYWHERE had me gagging at the thought of beef. Woof.
Sleep?: Good!
Boy or Girl?:  Little mister :)
Movement?: Yep, he's started to move more during the day, as opposed to mostly at night.
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose, tired
Looking forward to?: Painting his nursery and ordering prints. I'll do a nursery post this week. Now that we've got his dressers finished and the room has a first coat on the cut in, I'm feeling a bit more anxious about putting it all together.