Friday, December 19, 2014

Baby Boy's Nursery!

I was really struggling to brew up ideas for a nursery if little one was a boy. Well, here we are and I have had to do a lot of digging to come up with something I love!
We are moving Charlotte to the spare bedroom, since it's bigger and best suited for a girl ;) Ideas for her big girl room will come next!
Here's what I have so far. I'm thinking a light, pale blue on the walls, with white chair rail and trim. We might be reusing the crib, but it depends on if Charlotte transitions to a big girl bed in time. Otherwise, we'll just invest in another crib for little man! I love the softness of the blues but adding in some masculinity with the animal heads and wood lamp base. I'm also not set on a gray crib/furniture, but I think it's a nice change from the white, which we have for Charlotte.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas List 2014

I can't believe Christmas is in 9 days! I feel like the holiday season has just flown by (as it usually does), but I'm looking forward to taking some time off work with Hubs and Charlotte so that we can enjoy some festivities before the big day, as well as after.
Downtown Pittsburgh offers so many fun activities for kids. I'm looking forward to taking her to Market Square to see the ice skating rink and huge Christmas tree. Inside PPG Plaza they have lots of really neat displays, including trains, Santa's and village scenes.
Outside in the center of the square they have a market with shops and of course, Santa! I don't think we'll take Charlotte to see Santa again, but if she seems interested, we might!
We tried not to completely overdo it on presents for Charlotte this year, but I just can't help myself! Hubs and I both were spoiled at Christmas time and I feel like we both agree it's a great time to do so. Here are some of the fun things we picked up for her:
 1 -2 -3- 45-6- 7- 8 -9
We also got her some arts and crafts supplies, including safety scissors, stickers, tabletop paper, an Abby Cadabby doll and of course pajamas!! I especially love the Cookie Monster puppet, since we picked that up at the hospital gift shop after finding out she was having a baby brother. I'm excited to just see her open her presents this year, and I can't wait for her to fully understand the meaning of Christmas for years to come.
So, what's on your kiddos lists?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's a BOY! 20 Weeks

Well, we found out last week that little one is a BOY. We are super excited (Hubs more than me, haha!) and I'm a little anxious. Boys are completely foreign territory to me, but I will adjust :)
How far along?: 20 weeks
Weight gained?: 7 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Clothes?: Mostly maternity, tops are still too big.
Cravings?: Nothing since I can't taste anything!
Aversions?: Nothing
Sleep?: Terrible due to a cough/cold. I'm finally on an antibiotic but have been struggling for 10+ days to get better.
Boy or Girl?: Little mister!
Movement?: Yes!
Symptoms?: Tired legs after a long day.
Looking forward to?: Shopping for baby boy and planning his nursery!
Cousinly love! Cut down our Christmas tree this weekend with these two cuties!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

19 Weeks!

Holiday weeks and time off are great for the soul, but I am exhausted! I was able to enjoy time off with Hubs and Charlotte and I am so thankful to have them both in my life!
It's hard to believe I'm almost half way through this pregnancy. Toddlers have a way of making time fly right on by. Hubs and I are super excited for tomorrow. Not only is it our anniversary but we also have our anatomy scan scheduled in the morning! I don't have a feeling either way, but this pregnancy is very similar to my last one, aside from the terrible morning sickness.
How far along?: 19 weeks
Weight gained?: 7 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Clothes?: Mostly maternity but still hate the way that tops are fitting.
Cravings?: Salads
Aversions?: Not really, just struggling with meal planning and what to make for lunch.
Sleep?: Terrible but not due to pregnancy. Between constant colds and coughs, I am up quite a bit at night.
Boy or Girl?: Tomorrow!
Movement?: Yes! It's random, mostly right after I eat breakfast and at night when I lay down in bed.
Symptoms?: Nothing to attribute to pregnancy, which is awesome.
Looking forward to?: Finding out the sex! It definitely made my last pregnancy feel more real once I knew there was a little lady inside.

Saw Santa this break. She wasn't a fan until he gave her a candy cane.
 Lotte's mini- Christmas Tree. We are cutting ours down this weekend but she loved putting hers together.

Watching the parade Thankstiving Day morning. Love her jammies even if they are from the little boys' section!