Thursday, July 31, 2014

Charlotte at 15 Months!

Charlotte will be 15 months in a week, and I've been majorly slacking on documenting everything that's been going on. I swear we've been to the pediatrician every week since she turned 1. It's been exhausting and super frustrating. Let's hope she's healthy for the rest of summer & fall!

 We've been loving our little lady's personality these days. She's got SO much energy and so much to say. She babbles all. day. long. I personally love it, because I'm a talker & I finally feel like I'm getting a good conversation with her haha!
We were at the doctor's yesterday, so these will change once she goes to her formal 15 month appointment in August, and these are her stats:
Weight: 21 pounds, 11 ounces
Height: 28.5 inches
Girlfriend is wearing a size 3 shoe (ready to size up soon!), and size 3 diaper. We bought 4's, but once they get wet/full, they sag. This is no bueno, so we'll be going back to 3's.
She's still wearing 12 month clothes, but will likely need some 18 month things soon. She's getting a big buddha belly that's hard to fit into some of her things ;)
We're down to one glorious nap, which ranges from 2-3 hours. She normally goes down around 1:00 at day care, but at home we can get her down a little earlier. During this time I run around like a maniac to cook, clean, do laundry, help Hubs with yard work, or contemplate taking a nap.
Meals are SO tricky right now. She's so disinterested in eating a solid meal and prefers to graze all day long. It's really frustrating, and we're trying to get better at giving her better options. She loves carbs, hates meats, and picks at fruits and veggies. She loves PB&J, milk, watermelon, grapes, yogurt & green beans.
She loves running around outside (which has be pondering what we'll be doing to burn energy in the winter months!), playing at the playground, diggy in dirt & "pretending". She'll play with her babydoll, give her hugs, play tea with her teaset, and help mama with chores.
She's really independent these days, and we need to find ways for her to help. This can be tricky, but so much fun to see her get excited when she does something on her own!