Tuesday, August 27, 2013

3 Month Photo Sneak Peak!

We were so blessed to find an amazing wedding photographer who captured our wedding day perfectly! We had contacted her when I was pregnant in the hopes of getting her to shoot newborn pictures of our baby girl, but life got quite hectic and we never had time. When Charlotte turned 3 months, I contacted her to see if she'd be able to shoot her 3 month pictures. We had an absolute blast, and Charlotte was so well behaved.

We can't wait to see the rest of her pictures, but for now here is a sneak peak:

This was taken in Charlotte's nursery, on her sheepskin rug. I just absolutely adore and love this little girl to pieces! 

We had quite an eventful weekend with Miss Charlotte. For the last 4 nights, she has been waking up after her "normal" bedtime whining and fussing. The only thing that calms her is nursing/a bottle, which has me thinking it's either a growth spurt or she's not getting enough food during the day. She's still nursing every 2-3 hours, but does seem distracted while nursing. I think she's realized that there is a lot more going on while she's busy nursing, and it makes her curious! 

Other new things in the world of Charlotte:

- We've increased her bottles from 4 oz to 6 oz each, hoping she'll sleep longer through the night. This is our new attempt at stopping her from waking an hour after bedtime. 
- She discovered her feet toes. Now all she wants to do it suck on them...
- Blowing bubbles. This was our wakeup call on Saturday morning! 
- Not interested in the pacifier, which is fine by me!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

3 Month Must-Have's

I have to be honest and say that 3 months is really hard in terms of finding toys and activities that baby loves.

I've been finding that Charlotte wants to be able to chew on everything, but she doesn't quite have the hand-eye coordination that she needs to be able to bring her toys to her mouth. This makes for either a frustrated baby or a frustrated Mama (I mean you can only play "drop and pick up" so many times!). She's getting a lot better at grasping her toys, but some of them are either too big and awkward for her to hold or they don't have smaller extremities that she can put into her mouth.

We bought a couple new things that should hold her off until she has better coordination. Here are some things she's currently loving:

Sophie is great because Charlotte can fit her nose, ears, and legs in her mouth. She can easily grasp her legs and/or neck to chew on it. She is a little too long for her, though, especially when she's sitting in her bouncer or booster seat, so she looses control of her easily. 

The O'Ball is so easy for Charlotte to hold on to, but she obviously can't fit the ball in her mouth, like she wants it to! 

As annoying as the Laugh & Learn Dog can be, Charlotte LOVES it. The music, the light up heart and the giggling are really entertaining for her. We keep it in her pack-n-play and turn it on when she gets fussy during diaper changes. Once she figures out how to turn it on herself, it'll play non-stop! 

The Bee and Dinosaur teething toys are new, but she loves them! The dinosaur is so easy for her to grasp, plus the tail and spikes are perfect for her to chew on. Plus, it's a natural product, so that's always nice! The buzzing bee is really fun, since the wings are a soft plastic AND the entire thing vibrates when you push on the stinger. She seems to like this feeling on her gums. The bee's antennas place music, too, which she loves. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

3 Months Old!

It's hard to believe that Miss Charlotte is 3 months old today! She's been changing so much lately, and we couldn't be happier! I always thought I'd miss the baby stage, and while Charlotte is still very young, she's also very independent and active!

Here are some updates on our baby girl:

-She's been sleeping 10+ hours the last few nights. I'm waiting on the dreaded 3 month growth spurt and the 4 month sleep regression, but in the interim I'll take a good night sleep for myself! 
-Rolling over onto her belly. She did this in her sleep last night, and woke up in a panic this morning! 

- Nursing around 7 times a day, sometimes 8 depending on fussiness/hunger. She feeds every 2-3 hours. 
- Wearing size 0-3 and 3 month clothes. Some are getting too short on her (like her sleepers) since I believe she's quite long for her age. 
-Loves to "talk" and babble at us and her toys.
-Getting tired of her bouncer and MamaRoo...I think she needs more stimulating activities, but she's too small for her activity saucer at the moment. 
-Doesn't hate tummy time as much now that she can push her head and chest up.

Still isn't sure about bath time...

-Loves music and toys with lights, and loves when I sing to her (probably the only person in the world, but I'll take it...)
- Started teething (we think)...she has been gnawing on her hands fingers for the past few weeks. I don't see any buds, but I think we're getting there. She's been loving Sophie lately! 

-We caught the first baby giggles while on vacation a few weeks ago. It was hysterical and Hubs and I couldn't stop trying to keep her going. It was priceless and I'm so glad I got it on video!
-Charlotte is a major kicker. She loves kicking her feet in the car, in her bouncer, and most recently on the dining room table, so much so that we had to move her chair back so she didn't tip herself over!