It's hard to believe that Miss Charlotte is 3 months old today! She's been changing so much lately, and we couldn't be happier! I always thought I'd miss the baby stage, and while Charlotte is still very young, she's also very independent and active!
Here are some updates on our baby girl:
-She's been sleeping 10+ hours the last few nights. I'm waiting on the dreaded 3 month growth spurt and the 4 month sleep regression, but in the interim I'll take a good night sleep for myself!
-Rolling over onto her belly. She did this in her sleep last night, and woke up in a panic this morning!
- Nursing around 7 times a day, sometimes 8 depending on fussiness/hunger. She feeds every 2-3 hours.
- Wearing size 0-3 and 3 month clothes. Some are getting too short on her (like her sleepers) since I believe she's quite long for her age.
-Loves to "talk" and babble at us and her toys.
-Getting tired of her bouncer and MamaRoo...I think she needs more stimulating activities, but she's too small for her activity saucer at the moment.
-Doesn't hate tummy time as much now that she can push her head and chest up.
Still isn't sure about bath time...
-Loves music and toys with lights, and loves when I sing to her (probably the only person in the world, but I'll take it...)
- Started teething (we think)...she has been gnawing on her hands fingers for the past few weeks. I don't see any buds, but I think we're getting there. She's been loving Sophie lately!
-We caught the first baby giggles while on vacation a few weeks ago. It was hysterical and Hubs and I couldn't stop trying to keep her going. It was priceless and I'm so glad I got it on video!
-Charlotte is a major kicker. She loves kicking her feet in the car, in her bouncer, and most recently on the dining room table, so much so that we had to move her chair back so she didn't tip herself over!
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