Monday, July 1, 2013

Charlotte's Baptism!

Yesterday we celebrated the baptism of our baby girl! It's hard to believe she's 8 weeks old today, and we're loving every minute of her.

She's developed so much of a personality and is such a little diva at heart, but more about that in her 2 month update! 

My sister, mom and I picked out her dress and shoes, and the headband and bracelet were gifts she received that both happened to match her outfit flawlessly. 

The headband was a gift my mom got for her baby shower. It's a headband that turns into a garter for her wedding! Such and amazing idea!

Here's a picture of her right after we got her dressed:

Another close up:

We were so excited and emotional during the ceremony, and she did great! I thought she would have been hungry during mass but she held out until we got home. Such a champ! 

Family shot:

Hubs is such a good and proud Daddy. I did good!

Me and my girl! 

We had the most fabulous assortment of food (of course!) and an amazing Bloody Mary and Mimosa Bar! They both deserve their own post so I'll do another post soon!

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