Monday, January 7, 2013

Baby Brine Style: Nursery Edition Update!

Happy Monday, all! This weekend was a busy one in our household. Friday night, Hubs and I started painting the nursery! You can see the color pink we picked below (Tulip Petal, by Valspar)! We both had a mini panic attack when it first went up. The light yellow that was in the room made the trim look like hot Barbie pink. Hubs was even singing Barbie Girl....not exactly the look we were going for, but once dried and finished, we love it. We finished up on Saturday morning, and went to pick up the crib, mattress, and changing table in the afternoon. Sunday, we put together the crib and changing table. Now all we need to do is paint the existing dresser white, and we'll be kinda sorta ready....The crib, mattress and changing table are from Walmart, which offers even lower prices than Amazon on these pieces. They're Graco Sarah Classic 4-in-1 Convertible Crib, and I was a little skeptical of the quality until we put them together. They both are really nice pieces, and much larger than we imagined! Hubs and I have two complaints, though. 


1. Both the crib and changing table had some pieces that came in contact with a red waxy string, used to help pull out the hardware box. This left a light pink stripe on the wood, and it was  impossible to get off. We tried a Mr. Magic Eraser, soap and water and alcohol, with no luck. We decided not to return the pieces since we're getting a matching paint color for the dresser anyway, so we can use it to touch it up if need be. Fortunately, the back side of the changing table isn't visible, so you can't see it, and the crib is marked up but underneath the bed spring, so again, no biggie. All in all, I'd say for the price, definitely worth it! 

2. The nuts and bolts are huge, and there are quite a few of them that you use to hold together the crib. The crib doesn't come with any type of plug to cover these holes, so you can either leave them exposed, or find them at a local hardware store. We're going with option B- fingers crossed we can find them in the right size! 

The only thing we haven't purchased is the rug, as seen below. I'm glad I waited to do so, since after putting all the furniture in her room, I think we need a smaller one than I thought! 

Here are some pictures from our weekend, including the preliminary nursery layout. Enjoy! 

 Painting while pregnant = face mask....

Finished product- only took one coat! 

Changing table + dresser on the left that we need to paint

Crib- you can see the holes from here! 

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