Tuesday, January 29, 2013

26 weeks!

Oh what a weekend we had at the Brine household. Friday afternoon we had a really bad snow storm hit, so I left work early and after 2.5 hours, arrived home. Hubs and I went out to dinner, and everyone must have been at home because the place was pretty empty! 

On Saturday, Hubs, my dad and our contractor neighbor continued the demolition in the basement. Around 3:30, I was upstairs napping, and the power went off. Someone (who was apparently texting and driving) knocked down a telephone pole on our street. Needless to say, the guys couldn't do much work in the basement without electricity. We headed to my parents for pizza and then came home around 9:30 and the power company must have JUST finished putting up the new pole (or heard be whining about wanting to sleeping my own bed....) because we had electricity! 

Sunday morning we woke up to no internet or cable. We went to church, had breakfast, and then visited a car show where my father-in-law's car was being showcased. We came back home, and Hubs decided to start back at the basement. Power-tools and all, I managed to squeeze in a small nap. We were still without power, so when I got up, I put on a fire, had some roasted marshmallows for dinner, and laid on the floor and read a book. Not going to lie, I felt like I was back in the olden days!

Verizon Fios was scheduled to come to the house yesterday morning between 8-12. Well, 12 rolls around, and I was told the technician was still on his first job of the day and would be running late. Apparently he was working his way down our street and we were the 7th house on the block that needed help since the accident. 

Long story short, don't text and drive, kids!! You will create a very bored, unhappy neighborhood if you do :)

And now for this weeks bumpdate- last week in the 2nd trimester! 

How far along?: 26 weeks
Weight gained?: 12+ pounds
Showing yet?: Yep! 
Clothes?: Maternity pants, mostly maternity tops, loving my leggings more and more...
Cravings?: I've been wanting a donut like it's nobodies business. Last night I wanted a milkshake. Weird.
Adversions?: Nothing...
Sleep?:  Much, much better! 
Gender?:  Girly girl
Movement?: Yes. I'm convinced she's going to be a piggy because every time I eat, she kicks and moves and my belly shakes from (what I assume is) her excitement! Baby girl is part Italian, after all!
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose and back pain when I lay the wrong way
Miss Anything?: My simple bedtime routine. What used to be a 5 minute event now takes much, much longer. 
Wedding Rings on or off?: On
Belly Button in or out?: In

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