Happy 7 Months, baby girl!!
A little late, but on to the facts:
-Army crawling like a boss: girlfriend can get anywhere she wants these days, and she's pretty quick, too!
-Loves her solids. Eats 3 meals a day, and around 24 ounces of breastmilk. She cut back from 4 to 3 bottles at day care. She also LOVES Puffs and Mum Mum's
-Hates diaper changes. I know, right? She HATED to be wet as a newborn, and now if you lay her down while she's playing she gets ticked!
-C loves to clap, wave and dance. It's hilarious and she's quite good at nailing the beat of "If You're Happy & You Know It" and "Patty Cake"
-Weighs 16 lbs, and is wearing 6 month clothes
-Loves bathtime and her rubber ducky
- As far as toys, C loves anything with music and buttons. She's pretty good at handling most toys at this point, so sometimes we'll just sit her in front of her basket and she'll empty it!
-Still 2 teeth, but boy do I love that two-tooth grin!
-Sleeping around 12 hours a night, 1-2 hours of napping per day
This has to be the best stage so far. Charlotte is much more self sufficient (ha!) and can play by herself very well. She's sleeping well for the most part (that's new) and is taking better naps.