Tuesday, December 31, 2013

7 Months!

Happy 7 Months, baby girl!!

A little late, but on to the facts:
-Army crawling like a boss: girlfriend can get anywhere she wants these days, and she's pretty quick, too!
-Loves her solids. Eats 3 meals a day, and around 24 ounces of breastmilk. She cut back from 4 to 3 bottles at day care. She also LOVES Puffs and Mum Mum's

-Hates diaper changes. I know, right? She HATED to be wet as a newborn, and now if you lay her down while she's playing she gets ticked!
-C loves to clap, wave and dance. It's hilarious and she's quite good at nailing the beat of "If You're Happy & You Know It" and "Patty Cake"
-Weighs 16 lbs, and is wearing 6 month clothes
-Loves bathtime and her rubber ducky
- As far as toys, C loves anything with music and buttons. She's pretty good at handling most toys at this point, so sometimes we'll just sit her in front of her basket and she'll empty it!

-Still 2 teeth, but boy do I love that two-tooth grin!
-Sleeping around 12 hours a night, 1-2 hours of napping per day

This has to be the best stage so far. Charlotte is much more self sufficient (ha!) and can play by herself very well. She's sleeping well for the most part (that's new) and is taking better naps.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mama and Baby at 6 Months!

Just when I thought my pregnancy flew by, here I am with a 6 month old baby girl! Charlotte is such such a funny, happy baby and her personality continues to blossom!

Here's what Charlotte has been up to this month- lots of big milestones!

- Cut two bottom teeth on October 19. They aren't all the way through but are getting there!
- Loves sitting up on her own. She has perfected this in the last few weeks as well
- Loves to stand and is really strong!
- Sleeping around 10 hours at night, still struggling with naps
- Loves peaches and sweet potatoes. We haven't given her too many other foods since she didn't seem very interested when we first tried.

- Eating 18-24 oz of breast milk at day care when she's there, and nursing about every 2.5-3 hours when we're at home.
- Wearing 6 month pants and 3 month tops. Size 1 shoes!
- Loves being outside in her stroller, and is known to fall asleep while out and about in our neighborhood
- Experimenting with constonants like "B"

We've been thinking about packing up her pack n play and putting it in the attic as it's mostly being used for a changing table. A very LARGE changing table that takes up some prime real estate in our living room! We've been sticking to her activity saucer and mat, as well as general toys now that she is able to sit up on her own. 

This past weekend Charlotte started planking and pushing herself up on her knees very lightly. We're thinking we'll have a crawling baby in the next month or so!

As for me, I'm still working on losing the baby weight and regaining my muscle tone. I'm now 2 pounds under my first pre-pregnancy weigh in, but I did lose a few pounds during the first trimester so I'm close to where I was then.

I really need to start focusing on working out and gaining back muscle, but time is of the essence and this little one won't be little for long. I'm trying to balance my mommy guilt and spending time with her in the evenings.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Fun!

I absolutely LOVE living in the east during this time of year. I love everything about fall- pumpkin patches, Halloween costumes, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, pumpkin waffles, leaves, and cooler weather.
Last weekend we went to a local farm and took a hayride to pick pumpkins. We got lost in a corn stalk maze, which wasn't cool, but luckily Charlotte was happy as a clam so we didn't have a sense of urgency to get out.

Hubs wore her most of the time, and we got some cute pictures of her in the patch. She was supposed to wear a different outfit, but suffered a massive blow out minutes before we were supposed to leave. Typical.
This weekend we had an absolute blast. We didn't have much on our agenda, which was really nice for a change.
Saturday morning, we discovered that Charlotte had popped both of her bottom teeth! She slept like a champ, so I knew something was up. We were able to get a lot of house work done while she slept, including make homemade Zucchinni Lasagna, Crock Pot Sante Fe Chicken AND pumpkin waffles. YUM!

On Sunday, we went off to church and then to a neighbors Halloween party. Charlotte, aka Snow White, was such a babe. She's even sitting up on her own! I cannot believe how fast time flies.
Yesterday, while Hubs was at work, Charlotte and I headed off to the mall to get some warmer clothes for her, and some fall candles/handsoap for me! We finished the afternoon off with a nice walk, which ended in Charlotte being passed out, and me sitting on our front stoop pushing the stroller back in forth to keep her asleep.

I love being a mama to this little girl more than anything, and am thankful that, for the most part, how sleep regression issues have resolved. JINX! Ha...let's hope things stay the way they are....

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

5 Months!

Life has been a little hectic and I haven't been able to post some updates about Miss Charlotte, but the monthly updates are important for me to track so I can remember all of her milestones!
So I'll start off by saying that month 4 was kinda of crazy terrible at times. Between the sleep regression and trying to find ways for Charlotte to entertain herself without becoming completely frustrated we struggled at times.
I'm happy to say that this weekend we turned a corner in both departments. Charlotte has been sleeping much better (including naps!!!) and has been content with just playing by herself, which hasn't happened in quite some time.
Here's what we're looking at for Charlotte at 5 months!
- Typical bedtime is 7 pm, sleeping about 12 hours, getting up once or twice to either eat or have the bink put back in
- Started cereal, but only eating about 10 bites before refusing it
- Still eating about 7 times a day, including 3-4 bottles at day care when she's there
- Napping 2-3 times per day, averaging 30-45 minutes
- Loves anything she can put into her mouth. Literally ANYTHING!
- Favorite toys: A necklace teether my brother bought her, Baby Einstein Activity Saucer, sitting in her highchair playing with whatever is in front of her
- Also loves "boobsicles" haha! I freeze about 1/2-1 oz of breastmilk in a ice cube tray and place in a mesh fresh food feeder. I like to give these to her while I am cooking dinner, although they are messy and sticky!
- We're working on her sitting up, but she prefers to stand. She's also really strong on her forearms, and has been enjoying tummy time a bit more!



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

4 Month Sleep Regression/19 Week Leap

I have been dreading the beloved 4 month sleep regression since day 1. I've heard is almost inevitable, and to be honest, our baby girl isn't the best sleeper during the day, so I was afraid of what would come if she didn't sleep at night, too.
A co-worker recommended "The Wonder Weeks" to me, explaining that it suggests babies go through "leaps" of rapid development that can often lead to changes in their behavior.
Much to our surprise, well, not really, Charlotte is currently in a leap. Long story short, she's super clingy, extremely cranky, and is crying more than usual.

She also needs me ALL.THE.TIME.
I love that she wants me to hold her, but to be honest, the need for constant stimulation is beyond exhausting. I can't do anything while she's like this. I hate bringing her in the kitchen with me because I think it's a major danger zone, and I don't like putting the TV on while she's in the room so we go through every toy in the room until she gets so mad that she starts to cry.
She also isn't happy playing with her toys. She's bored with her activity mat, and too little for her activity saucer. She can't reach all the toys with her little arms, and it turns her into one unhappy babe.
She also is a very oral baby. EVERYTHING must go in her mouth, and if it can't fit/hurts? She throws a fit.
Here are a couple of our 4 month favorites, but it's worth noting that some of these are hit or miss depending on her temper :)
So I guess there wasn't really a major point to this post, aside from that I needed an outlet to vent. I hope to post an update SOON that things are back to normal in the Brine household, but I won't hold my breaht ;)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

4 months!

Happy 4 months, little lady! I'm a little late to this post, but life's got the best of me, lately!

Your Daddy and I adore you more than words can say. You've been such a beautiful blessing in our life and we are so happy you're ours!

Things that are new in the life of Charlotte:

- Pushing up on her elbows while on her tummy. See the proof!

- Enjoying a lot of chewing and sucking and putting things in her mouth
- Touching EVERYTHING in sight! This includes items at the checkout line at the store. I didn't think 4 month olds did that!
- Loving bath time more and more!

- Sitting up assisted and using her arms to hold herself up
- Getting frustrated that her little arms can't reach all the toys on her activity saucer

- FINALLY fitting into her first pair of shoes! Size 1 are too big...

- Sitting in her high chair, booster seat and Mama's and Papa's chair.

- Outgrew her bouncer and Mamaroo, which have been packed up and sent to my sister's (who is due with a baby girl on Christmas!)
- Took her first flight to Boston and was an absolute champion on the subway and plane!

- Still fighting naps but we're working on a plan...
- Sleeping 10 hours at night, typically 8pm-6am
- Eating 7 times a day, typically 4 bottles and 3 nursing sessions

Oh and her stats! Miss Charlotte weighed 13 pounds, 1 oz (30th percentile) and was 24.75 inches long (70th percentile)!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Charlotte's 3 Month Photos

I think the images speak for themselves :) I love this little girl!! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

3 Month Photo Sneak Peak!

We were so blessed to find an amazing wedding photographer who captured our wedding day perfectly! We had contacted her when I was pregnant in the hopes of getting her to shoot newborn pictures of our baby girl, but life got quite hectic and we never had time. When Charlotte turned 3 months, I contacted her to see if she'd be able to shoot her 3 month pictures. We had an absolute blast, and Charlotte was so well behaved.

We can't wait to see the rest of her pictures, but for now here is a sneak peak:

This was taken in Charlotte's nursery, on her sheepskin rug. I just absolutely adore and love this little girl to pieces! 

We had quite an eventful weekend with Miss Charlotte. For the last 4 nights, she has been waking up after her "normal" bedtime whining and fussing. The only thing that calms her is nursing/a bottle, which has me thinking it's either a growth spurt or she's not getting enough food during the day. She's still nursing every 2-3 hours, but does seem distracted while nursing. I think she's realized that there is a lot more going on while she's busy nursing, and it makes her curious! 

Other new things in the world of Charlotte:

- We've increased her bottles from 4 oz to 6 oz each, hoping she'll sleep longer through the night. This is our new attempt at stopping her from waking an hour after bedtime. 
- She discovered her feet toes. Now all she wants to do it suck on them...
- Blowing bubbles. This was our wakeup call on Saturday morning! 
- Not interested in the pacifier, which is fine by me!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

3 Month Must-Have's

I have to be honest and say that 3 months is really hard in terms of finding toys and activities that baby loves.

I've been finding that Charlotte wants to be able to chew on everything, but she doesn't quite have the hand-eye coordination that she needs to be able to bring her toys to her mouth. This makes for either a frustrated baby or a frustrated Mama (I mean you can only play "drop and pick up" so many times!). She's getting a lot better at grasping her toys, but some of them are either too big and awkward for her to hold or they don't have smaller extremities that she can put into her mouth.

We bought a couple new things that should hold her off until she has better coordination. Here are some things she's currently loving:

Sophie is great because Charlotte can fit her nose, ears, and legs in her mouth. She can easily grasp her legs and/or neck to chew on it. She is a little too long for her, though, especially when she's sitting in her bouncer or booster seat, so she looses control of her easily. 

The O'Ball is so easy for Charlotte to hold on to, but she obviously can't fit the ball in her mouth, like she wants it to! 

As annoying as the Laugh & Learn Dog can be, Charlotte LOVES it. The music, the light up heart and the giggling are really entertaining for her. We keep it in her pack-n-play and turn it on when she gets fussy during diaper changes. Once she figures out how to turn it on herself, it'll play non-stop! 

The Bee and Dinosaur teething toys are new, but she loves them! The dinosaur is so easy for her to grasp, plus the tail and spikes are perfect for her to chew on. Plus, it's a natural product, so that's always nice! The buzzing bee is really fun, since the wings are a soft plastic AND the entire thing vibrates when you push on the stinger. She seems to like this feeling on her gums. The bee's antennas place music, too, which she loves. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

3 Months Old!

It's hard to believe that Miss Charlotte is 3 months old today! She's been changing so much lately, and we couldn't be happier! I always thought I'd miss the baby stage, and while Charlotte is still very young, she's also very independent and active!

Here are some updates on our baby girl:

-She's been sleeping 10+ hours the last few nights. I'm waiting on the dreaded 3 month growth spurt and the 4 month sleep regression, but in the interim I'll take a good night sleep for myself! 
-Rolling over onto her belly. She did this in her sleep last night, and woke up in a panic this morning! 

- Nursing around 7 times a day, sometimes 8 depending on fussiness/hunger. She feeds every 2-3 hours. 
- Wearing size 0-3 and 3 month clothes. Some are getting too short on her (like her sleepers) since I believe she's quite long for her age. 
-Loves to "talk" and babble at us and her toys.
-Getting tired of her bouncer and MamaRoo...I think she needs more stimulating activities, but she's too small for her activity saucer at the moment. 
-Doesn't hate tummy time as much now that she can push her head and chest up.

Still isn't sure about bath time...

-Loves music and toys with lights, and loves when I sing to her (probably the only person in the world, but I'll take it...)
- Started teething (we think)...she has been gnawing on her hands fingers for the past few weeks. I don't see any buds, but I think we're getting there. She's been loving Sophie lately! 

-We caught the first baby giggles while on vacation a few weeks ago. It was hysterical and Hubs and I couldn't stop trying to keep her going. It was priceless and I'm so glad I got it on video!
-Charlotte is a major kicker. She loves kicking her feet in the car, in her bouncer, and most recently on the dining room table, so much so that we had to move her chair back so she didn't tip herself over! 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

On Returning To Work Post-Charlotte

Today marks my second day back to work since Charlotte was born. I never imagined I'd work once I had children. Hubs and I decided that with my income and job flexibility, it was best that I go back to work after our baby girl was born. 

I have to say the transition has been harder than I imagined. It probably didn't help that I didn't even think about going back until the day before, essentially in denial that I had to go back. On Monday, I cried as I got Charlotte out of her crib in the morning, and at every other moment I'd be missing once I headed back to work. Bedtime was the hardest, probably because my baby looks so big in her crib now, and also because I didn't want to put her down. 

The past two nights she's gotten up to eat in the middle of the night, and I've been okay with that. It gives me a little extra time to enjoy her and hold her close. 

The hardest part of this transition is that I worry about not seeing her enough. Yesterday, I went straight to my sisters after work and nursed her around 4:30. By the time I got home and unpacked our bags, she was ready for a nap. I held her in her glider until Hubs got home so we could start dinner. She went to bed around 8, which meant we saw her for about 3.5 hours all day. I worry that I'll miss something in her development by not being with her. 

Coming back has also put things into perspective. While on leave, I felt like I was always on her time, and it's hard to be depended on so much, but once that's taken away from you, you want it back. I'd give anything to be at home with her. 

I didn't mean for this post to be so down, and I hope that this transition gets easier and better for us as a family. I'm just thankful that Hubs supports whatever decision I make as far as staying at work full-time.