Over three months late, but lets just say it's been a crazy ride with two! I have loved every minute of being a mama to these kids, but time is precious and flies by faster than ever before. Here goes!
I woke up around 3:30 the morning after my due date with 10 minute apart contractions. I decided to see if I could sleep through them, which I could. I woke up, took Charlotte to day care, and logged on to my work computer. I answered 4 "no baby yet?" messages and my boss said to call it a day.
I cleaned our hardwood floors, dusted our bedroom and cleaned the bathroom hoping the activity would set things into action. I headed to see my cousin and her 8 day old baby, and went on a brief walk with my aunt and the baby, then headed home around 2:30. I decided to clean the inside of my car before going on another walk. As I was cleaning, I noticed the contractions started back up again. I timed them from 3:15- 4 pm, and they were about 6 minutes apart, 45 seconds-1 minute in length. I was able to breath through them, but called my OB to see what they wanted to do as they had concerns about how fast I'd go.
They suggested I wait out the full hour and then head to the hospital if they continued. I picked Charlotte up from day care and dropped her off to my mom around 4:30. Hubs met me at home, we grabbed our bags and headed to triage. We got to the hospital around 5:30 and got into a room at 6. At this point, the contractions started coming every 2-3 minutes, but weren't increasing in intensity.
At 6:30 I was checked and was at 3 cm. My favorite OB was on call that night, so he suggested I stay and start Pitocin and break my water to get things moving. Watching the monitor, my contractions were very inconsistent so I was worried I'd be in labor forever.
We finally got moved to a labor & delivery room at 8:15 and Pitocin was started at 8:30. At 9:30 I was 4 cm and they wanted to break my water. I asked for the epidural prior to them breaking it, since I was afraid I'd go straight to 10 once they did.
The epidural kicked in at 10:30 and they broke my water at 10:45. At 11:45 I felt some pressure and because it was getting so late, I asked them to check me (mostly because my sister wanted to go home if it'd be a lot longer!) Much to my surprise I was at a 10.
They prepped the room and got things ready. I pushed through one contractions and he was here by 11:55 pm! We were able to do skin to skin right away, which was amazing. I wasn't able to do it with Charlotte because there was meconium in my amniotic fluid.
He latched right away and nursed for about 25 minutes! Since it was so late, everyone quickly said hello and goodbye, and Hubs and I soaked up our time with our little guy. We finally got moved to recovery around 3 am, grabbed a quick sandwich before passing out.
You forget to mention that your cousin's baby whispered sweet baby nothing's to your belly to let Aiden know we were ready to meet him! Loved reading this :)