I'm officially in the "it could happen at any time" mind frame. Constantly worrying about every little symptom and thinking that maybe those gas bubbles are in fact my water breaking. Again.
I'm super excited about meeting our baby boy, but am really trying to soak up these last few weeks of just Charlotte. It will randomly hit me that her world is going to be rocked very soon, and it makes me both happy and sad. She's going to be an awesome big sister, but I know we'll have a serious transition period at the same time. She's a major mommys girl, and I worry she'll struggle with the time he'll need from me.
I keep telling myself we'll cross that bridge when we get there, but it is hard to minimize the concerns!
I head to my 38 week appointment tonight, and will get a check to see if I'm made any progress. To be honest, I don't think I'm dilated at all, and that's fine. I've been hesitant about my OB's plan to induce at 39 weeks, given my check at 38 weeks put me in a favorable induction category, so if I am not favorable, it's not up for discussion.
How far
along?: 38
gained?: 26 pounds
Showing yet?: Yes
Showing yet?: Yes
Having the opposite problem in that nothing sounds good!
Pretty good! Every few nights I wake up to pee and can't fall back asleep right away, but otherwise no major complaints.
Boy or Girl?:
Slowed down a bit this weekend, I think he's running out of space ;)
Symptoms?: Back
pain/twinges, cramping
Labor signs?: Pelvic pressure, RLP,
Looking forward
to?: Going into labor and meeting/naming little guy!
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