Ah Tuesday's, I really loathe you, especially after a nice-weather weekend! We had a nice weekend, spent it eating, pampering and prepping for baby.
Charlotte's big girl room is FINALLY done- Hubs hung her mirror up on Sunday which was the last thing on our list.
The nursery should be almost finished this weekend, since we plan on getting the crib up by Friday. Once the crib is in, we can hang the rest of the artwork and bookshelves. I can't believe in 6ish weeks we will be welcoming this little guy into the world. I feel much more relaxed going into labor and delivery, as well as the newborn stage.
Charlotte has always been very persistent and determined. She knew from a young age what she wanted, and until she got it, she made it known. I can't help but think this little guy will be a bit more adaptable.
She's going to be an awesome big sister. We got out her bouncer, swing, and rock and play this weekend, and she kept singing to her bear and tucking him in to go to sleep. She sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & ABC's while bouncing him to sleep, it was THE sweetest.
How far
along?: 34
gained?: 25 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Showing yet?: Yep!
Salad, peanut butter and sweets
Nothing at the moment
Varies night by night, but overall okay. I am getting better at pushing myself throughout the day (which is probably a bad thing haha!)
Boy or Girl?:
He squirms a lot- loves to wiggle his bum under my rib cage.
Symptoms?: Random periods of back pain, mostly just tired
Looking forward
to?: Still can't wait to get the nursery finished, but mostly meeting this little guy :)
To- Do List
Build Crib
Hang pictures
Hang bookshelves
Swap light
Get out baby items from
attic (most of it is out!)
Pack Hospital Bag (started but not finished yet)
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