Last week I had my 26 week appointment. My OB decided to start me on biweekly appointments, which is earlier than last time. I am guessing it has to do with the TDAP vaccine that I'm getting at 28 weeks, but I'm not sure. I ended up gaining 9 pounds in a month. This happened to me when I was pregnant with Charlotte, except it was 8 pounds. I freaked, wanted to cry, and felt like a whale, but ultimately my weight gain is under control and I decided to step up my workouts and cut back on sweets. I didn't gain anything this past week, so there's that.
We had a busy week. We moved Charlotte into her big girl room on Friday night. She woke up twice that night, but has slept well ever since (jinx...). She really seems to love it, so that's a win in my book.
How far
along?: 27
gained?: 18 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Showing yet?: Yep!
Peanut butter toast, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, salad
Sleep?: Feeling good
Boy or Girl?:
Yes, getting stronger and more frequent
Symptoms?: Stuffy nose,
Looking forward
to?: Painting his nursery and sorting through his clothes!
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