Tuesday, December 2, 2014

19 Weeks!

Holiday weeks and time off are great for the soul, but I am exhausted! I was able to enjoy time off with Hubs and Charlotte and I am so thankful to have them both in my life!
It's hard to believe I'm almost half way through this pregnancy. Toddlers have a way of making time fly right on by. Hubs and I are super excited for tomorrow. Not only is it our anniversary but we also have our anatomy scan scheduled in the morning! I don't have a feeling either way, but this pregnancy is very similar to my last one, aside from the terrible morning sickness.
How far along?: 19 weeks
Weight gained?: 7 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Clothes?: Mostly maternity but still hate the way that tops are fitting.
Cravings?: Salads
Aversions?: Not really, just struggling with meal planning and what to make for lunch.
Sleep?: Terrible but not due to pregnancy. Between constant colds and coughs, I am up quite a bit at night.
Boy or Girl?: Tomorrow!
Movement?: Yes! It's random, mostly right after I eat breakfast and at night when I lay down in bed.
Symptoms?: Nothing to attribute to pregnancy, which is awesome.
Looking forward to?: Finding out the sex! It definitely made my last pregnancy feel more real once I knew there was a little lady inside.

Saw Santa this break. She wasn't a fan until he gave her a candy cane.
 Lotte's mini- Christmas Tree. We are cutting ours down this weekend but she loved putting hers together.

Watching the parade Thankstiving Day morning. Love her jammies even if they are from the little boys' section!

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