It's been super hectic running around and loving up on my sweet Charlotte girl. I can't believe she'll be turning 17 months next week. Times flies when you are having fun, that's for sure!
Our baby girl is full on toddler mode these days, talking up a storm and oh so very active.
Her vocabulary expands daily, and she constantly amazes me with how grown up she seems. I know soon enough she'll be talking in full sentences! Here are some of her most frequent words:
Baaa Baa (her lamby)
Char Char (that's what she calls herself, I die)
Milp (aka Milk)
Fly (loves airplanes!)
I know she's probbaly in the average range for vocabulary, but I just want to bottle up the way she says some of these words! When she hears or learns a new word, she looks at the way your mouth is moving so she can mimic. It has to be the sweetest thing I've seen!
Another thing that we decided to attempt this past week was bink weaning. I honestly don't know WHY I felt the need to wean her, but it jut tseemed like time. Her teeth are almost all in and I feel like it can't be good for her. Anyway, aside from that, we decided to goes balls deep last weekend. On Saturday night, we tried cold turkey. Girlfriend was PISSED! We ended up cutting the tip of her bink off and gave it to her. She fell asleep okay, but woke up in the middle of the night once and struggled to get back to sleep.
On Sunday and Monday, for both naps and bedtime, she used the cut tip bink. She was up more frequently than usual and her bedtime routine seemed never ending.
On Tuesday, her teachers at day care decided to not give her a bink altogether. She took a great nap for them so we thought we were making some progress.
Tuesday night was HORRIBLE. I am not trying to sound dramatic, but she struggled big time. Her normal 5 minute bedtime turned into an hour and a half. She ended up losing her bink so she's been sans bink ever since. She cried, we checked in on her, she cried more, and eventually she was out. She woke up once that night and Hubs went in and checked on her, changed her diaper, and laid her back down. She got up and screamed for a minute, and then slept until morning.
*KNOCK ON WOOD* We've had some pretty successful bedtimes since then. More to come on if she regresses or anything, but overall it wasn't as painful as we expected.
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