Friday, March 7, 2014

10 Months!

This weekend last year we were prepping for baby girl's baby shower. I can hardly believe that in a few months I'll be the mama to a one year old! Charlotte makes my every day brighter and better. I am SO lucky mama, and every day is a completely new and exciting experience with her.
So now on to this month...BIG things coming for this little lady!
-This week started averagine 3 bottles per day
- I'm still pumping 3 times a day, but am probably almost done. I am proud I made it this long!

- Still wearing 6 month clothes, 9 month pajamas
- Size 2 shoe (will only keep Freshly Picked Moccasins on her feet!)
- Size 3 diaper

- Loves pancakes, grapes, yogurt, Cheerios, Mum Mum's, Puffs, Gerber's Little Crunchies, sausage, chicken, carrots, squash and cheese
- Loves rubber duck's more than I'll ever know and why? I have no clue

- Sleeping 12 glorious hours a night (7-7)
- Napping twice a day, getting ready to cut her down to once, totaling about 1-2 hours

- Has 6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on the bottom
- Started taking steps with her walker this week

- Loves music and dancing
- Loves to read books with mom and dad
Happy 10 months baby girl!!

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