Tuesday, February 18, 2014

9 Months!

A little late to this post, but I need to jot down Miss Charlotte's 9 month stats before they get lost in this sleepy brain of mine!
16 lbs, 6 oz. (10th percentile)
26.75 inches long (25th percentile)

- Eating/Nursing 4-5 times a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. Around 24 ounces of breastmilk/formula per day
-Eating 3 meals a day, loves pouches of purees and finger foods, including waffles, chicken, and fruit.

- Enjoys Mum Mum's and puffs
- Sleeping 12 hours (ish) at night, give or take a few in the morning
- Napping 1-2 hours total a day, depending on if she's at day care or at home
- Wearing 6 month clothing

- Upped to size 2 shoes
- Loves to crawl EVERYWHERE
- Loves to pull up to stand, clap, wave, dance, and raise her arms "SO BIG!"

- Favorite toys: remote control, iPhone, stackable rings, rubber ducks (or da's), any musical instrument, music (to dance to!)

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