Friday, February 22, 2013

On Having A Daughter

Since Hubs and I found out our wee one was going to be a little girl, we've been on cloud 9. We both were adamant that she was a he, so when the technician said "you see these three lines right here?", our hearts skipped a beat. A few minutes later, he still hadn't taken his eyes off the screen, so I asked if he was okay. Still staring at the screen, he replied "yes". 

When we left the ultrasound office and started walking to grab a coffee, he was so sweet in his concerns about having a girl.

Hi, Princess! 

"She's going to get MARRIED some day!"

" But you're my princess...I can't have two!" To which I replied, "Don't worry, I get promoted to Queen", with a cackle smile. 

I'll never forget those words. Nothing about how boys are easier, boys are all he knows, girls are needy and dramatic. He fell in love with her right then and there, and never looked back. 

Since we waited a few days to tell our friends and family, my mind was racing with different thoughts of having a girl. Can I handle it? I know how I was growing up...can't be TOO bad. But then there are THOSE girls, she can't and won't be one of those girls...Thank the LORD for Andy and his patience.

I decided to head out shopping and figured that purchasing her first girly outfit would help me "bond" with her. 

Aside from the fashion, the frills, headbands, pinks and purples, I'm excited to raise this little one with poise, class, sophistication, sass, spunk, confidence and lots of sarcasm. I want to kiss boo-boo's because she's a little rough around the edges and likes to play in the mud with the neighborhood boys. I want to take her shopping for her first school dance, and console her when she has her first heartbreak. But what I ultimately want is a HAPPY girl, one who does things because they make her happy.

All these thoughts about having a girl over the last two and a half months led me to a conversation I had with a new co-worker yesterday. 

For the first time in the last two and a half months, I said the word daughter. It was said casually, like "once I come back from leave, my sister will watch my daughter until she starts back to work". 

I don't know what her response was, as I repeated to myself "I'm going to have a daughter". It's bizarre to me that I've never said it before, or maybe it just didn't resonate with me like it did yesterday. 

My mom, with her daughter, on my wedding day.

Everyone asks "Do you know what you're having?" and you respond with "It's a girl!". But somehow, saying the words "my daughter" made my heart stop and I realized how big, how huge this is. I know the same would happen if we were to be expecting a boy, and saying "my son" maybe it's the "OMG this is really happening, we're going to have a child, be parents, call each other mom and dad" that's really the big, "aha" moment. That I don't know. 

But I couldn't be more excited, and more ready, to welcome our daughter into the world. A little over 10 weeks to go and if she decided to come today, we'd be ready. Scared, but ready. I can't wait to see her, kiss her, and hold her in my arms, and watch her daddy fall more in love with her than he already is. And me? I can't wait to fall more in love with HIM, after watching him with her. 

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