Super late, and way closer to 18 weeks at this point, but I'm enjoying some nice time off from work next week and thought I'd get a tweener in between 17-19 weeks.
Only 12 more days until we find out baby's sex (but who is counting?!) Super excited and would be happy either way.
How far
along?: 17 weeks, 4 days
gained?: 7 pounds
Showing yet?: Yep!
Showing yet?: Yep!
Maternity pants, finding that maternity tops make me look pregnant, whereas non-maternity tops make me look chubby!
Smoothies & salad, not bad, right?
Aversions?: Having a hard time finding things that sound appetizing.
Aversions?: Having a hard time finding things that sound appetizing.
Sleep?: Eh, been better. I've been struggling with a couple of colds that make sleeping hard.
12 days! Back to thinking that little one is a boy, but who knows. Only one way to tell and that includes waiting!
Yes! Hubs even felt baby kick last night, which was amazing and super early. Strong little thing, just like it's sister!
Symptoms?: Fatigue, as expected when pregnant with a toddler ;)
Looking forward to?: Thanksgiving! We are blessed with big families but that means we rarely get to enjoy family time with the three of us. I am looking forward to starting a Thanksgiving morning tradition- breakfast with a fire while watching the parade! We'll see if Charlotte allows for that to take place.