I have been dreading the beloved 4 month sleep regression since day 1. I've heard is almost inevitable, and to be honest, our baby girl isn't the best sleeper during the day, so I was afraid of what would come if she didn't sleep at night, too.
A co-worker recommended "The Wonder Weeks" to me, explaining that it suggests babies go through "leaps" of rapid development that can often lead to changes in their behavior.
Much to our surprise, well, not really, Charlotte is currently in a leap. Long story short, she's super clingy, extremely cranky, and is crying more than usual.
She also needs me ALL.THE.TIME.
I love that she wants me to hold her, but to be honest, the need for constant stimulation is beyond exhausting. I can't do anything while she's like this. I hate bringing her in the kitchen with me because I think it's a major danger zone, and I don't like putting the TV on while she's in the room so we go through every toy in the room until she gets so mad that she starts to cry.
She also isn't happy playing with her toys. She's bored with her activity mat, and too little for her activity saucer. She can't reach all the toys with her little arms, and it turns her into one unhappy babe.
She also is a very oral baby. EVERYTHING must go in her mouth, and if it can't fit/hurts? She throws a fit.
Here are a couple of our 4 month favorites, but it's worth noting that some of these are hit or miss depending on her temper :)
So I guess there wasn't really a major point to this post, aside from that I needed an outlet to vent. I hope to post an update SOON that things are back to normal in the Brine household, but I won't hold my breaht ;)